Gwen esta por vir?

Foi postado no facebook da KOG (KOG tem um face?) um vídeo teste da Gwen em modo 3D, o modo 3D que estou falando é o modo de poder ver todos os ângulos, parece que esta personagem brevemente poderá chegar ao GC, e os jogadores do NAGC o que pensam sobre agente?

Esta parte da critica feito pelo Aidil

Number five. Fairness. This is not a comment against Gwen, but moreso against KoG. The main question: Why are you randomly adding Gwen into the game? She appears out of nowhere and KoG is like, yay let’s implement her! That’s not fair. It’s not fair that they’re adding her randomly, and the fact that it’s from bGC doesn’t help. I got nothing against the Brazilians, you guys are awesome. I’m against a thing called favoritism. KoG already implemented Rin/Lin from bGC. Even back then I wasn’t too impressed by the favoritism. Now, they’re implementing another character and I’m even less impressed. It’s not fair to the other servers. What about the effort other people put in for their fan characters? I think that KoG should’ve at LEAST made it a worldwide contest; best character gets implemented in the game. And make sure EVERYONE knows about the contest too, otherwise people can legitimately complain that it was unfair that they didn’t know. They may have had a winning concept. In this situation, if Gwen won, then it’s fine. But no, she came from nowhere. However, there is another point I want to raise about this. Don’t blame Level Up Games for this. They have connections with KoG but KoG ends up making the calls. I know some people complain about bGC getting all the good things and all their ideas implemented, but let me level with you for a sec. If your server is favored by KoG. Would you complain as much? Would the people from other servers complaining annoy you? This is how the people playing bGC feel. They worked hard to contribute because they thought these were good ideas, and the ones KoG agrees with, they implement. I know I just complained a bit, but I just wanted to throw my opinion out there

Este comentario do Hawkfrost

I actually agree with you. I congratulate BGC for the new character(?) and all, I appreciate it, I respect that. But what you said was true. Based from what you said, I think that her moveset is very simple. KoG should’ve been more creative and original like before. I’m not against Gwen, I like her concept (good to add in fan arts), but the fact that her moveset was so… I don’t know… just got me disappointed.
Plus! what about Zero, Ley, Rin, Lime, and Azin? Come on, Zero and Ley came first on GrandChase Chaos, and they only released what? just ’till their 2nd jobs? I was grateful that Dio’s jobs are finished though. I waited, hopefully, for Zero’s 3rd and 4th (also Ley’s) and then they just started adding more characters? I understand Azin’s ’cause he supports Jin’s story, Lime because of the 3 goddesses and that she might have a connection with Mari’s story, don’t know about Rin/Lin though.
I was really disappointed, I waited for like what? a year or two? and what do I get?
I also agree about that contest. They should’ve made it a worldwide contest. WAKE UP KoG! LOOK AROUND! THERE ARE MORE TALENTED PEOPLE AROUND THE GLOBE THAN JUST IN BRAZIL! sheesh! I’m offended, as an artist and also a fellow GC player, I want- moreover, WE have ideas that we want to contribute too. (sigh….) really disappointing….
Well, that’s all I have to say, for now
E esse do Xeno:
bGC contributed enough and I think they’re very creative the weapon is so cool plus it’s very rare to see a character with a chain-like weapon, but it’s time for other servers to present their own concepts as well. KOG should keep in mind that they released the game in different countries not only their server and Brazil.

Bom, eles acham que a KOG aceita todas as nossas sugestões, eventos, mesmo eles gostando dos nossos eventos, achando os melhores eventos do GC, eles reclamam , eles acham que já sabemos tudo da Gwen, mas não, a Gwen depois do Top Secret ficou fora do ar até agora, então isso foi uma surpresa para agente.

4 comentários:

  1. Eu vi um video da gctw que a Kog falou que talvez usaria alguns aspectos numa nova personagen , alem disso muitas pessoas tb acham que ela possa vim como pet exclusivo do brasil e.e

  2. Para mim acho que ela poderá vir como char sim, pois o criador dela ja criou tudo, ele mostrou o combo, skills, e a storyline dela...

  3. eu vi a entrevista com ele , mais olha bem o formato dela , parece bastante pet e.e
    ( PS : Tb quero ela como char )

  4. Foi confirmado que a gween é mascote , e vai vim na caçada gc hj ~

